Country Style Carrot Cake

$80.00 - $155.00

Chock full of fresh Carrots, Raisins and Spices covered with a Pineapple Buttercream icing and topped with crunchy Walnuts (cake contain nuts)

  • Rectangular Shape - ¼ sheet 8x12” - $80 (24 slices or 80 token pieces)

  • Rectangular Shape - ½ sheet 16x12” - $155 (48 slices or 192 token pieces)

All cakes are tax-exempt. 



Scanway Catering
1505 Barrington Street
Halifax, NS B3J 3K5
Find us on the B1 Level

Phone: (902) 425-0386
Fax: (902) 422-5743
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm

Planning an Event?

Check out our menus and contact us:

(902) 425-0386